Thursday, July 19, 2012


It took me 24 years and mnemonic device, but I finally know how to correctly spell opportunity the first time around (without the red squiggly line telling me I've messed up somewhere). Yet I have no issue with words like mnemonic. Or deoxyribonucleic acid.

It's a funny world.

Side note: I really gotta spend less time on Or I need to spend whole lot, so I can catch up with several years back-log of strips, and then just check every couple of days...

Monday, July 16, 2012

The vacation that wasn't.

I'm drinking crappy coffee with not enough real sugar in it cause I couldn't stand the thought of drinking anything with sweet and low in it, but I couldn't bring myself to totally screw up my diet by adding as much sugar as I would have liked. I did NOT have a donut this afternoon, even thought it was looking at me with puppy dog eyes and saying "Come on Sarah, nobody has to to know." I'd know, bitch, leave me alone. So crappy coffee it is, cause I need SOMETHING to get me through this day

All I want to do it put my head down on my desk and take a nap, but I have to make mobile phase for the 49th time this month. K isn't doing her experiment today, so I don't get to practice the prep one more time before I'm on my own. We're currently desperately trying to find a way to dissolve our drug because turns out it's not working the way I was doing it. So that's what K is going to spend her afternoon doing, instead of her experiment, which I'm incredibly greatful for since I'm supposed to be using said drug tomorrow in MY experiment and I was just going to say "F*** it" and shake it up real good before I applied it to my tissue. 

I've weighed out my chemicals for tomorrows experiment, I've fed my cells, and I'm going to make mobile phase. I have absolutely no guilt when I say that I will NOT be reading any papers today because my brain is not capable and me trying to read a paper would be only slightly less effective than sticking the paper under my pillow and attempting to discern it's meaning through dream interpretation the next day. 
I want to nap, and I want to go to the gym and then I want to sit and read or write or work through some mindless-beginner-learn-the-interface Maya tutorials. 

What I do NOT want to do is force my brain into a shape it's desperately avoiding and attempt to be a scientist.

What a refreshing vacation that was. 

Hopefully another nights sleep in my own bed will break me out of this fog.
Or more accurately smog, since I just got back from LA. 

Happier posts another day, hopefully.