Monday, June 18, 2012

First-day-back blues

Sometimes what I really want is for someone to tell me what to do.
There’s too much room for interpretation right now, and it’s freaking me out.
Plus my boss is super excited about a set of experiments that I REALLY don’t want to do.  Not because I think they’re bad experiments, I get her excitement and curiosity and it’s certainly worth trying, but there are other methods I’d rather spend my time on and that I think are more reliable, though this one does offer advantages that others don’t….
Okay enough vague-ary.

I miss the good old days where I kept a to do list and my boss continually added to it and I continually chipped away at it, and if I didn’t feel like doing the thing at the top (unless it was important and couldn’t be put off) I could go on to the next thing until the next time I felt inclined to do whatever the first thing was. It was fun, I got to troubleshoot, I got to use my hands, and then I got to pass the results off to him to worry about. 

Does everybody feel this aimless at first? It’s not a good day for feeling cut out for grad school, but it’s also my first day back from vacation, which is always tricky. Is there going to be a point where I feel a little less…floaty? If that makes any sense…